I didn't know I was important,
I didn't really matter to me,
I gave my entire self to others,
While not even able to breathe.
I didn't give myself much credit,
I conquered life on many degrees,
I wasted years in the unknown, While unfulfilled and not truly free.
I spent time mastering being alone,
Satisfying my basic need,
I never took the time to discover,
"What's really in this for me. "
I spent money on gifts and treasures,
I adorned others; immaculately,
I appeased all requests for assistance,
And purported "what say thee."
I ignored red flags,
Gave too many second chances,
Created a life without demanding my wants,
Dissuading proper advances.
Then I woke up, And didn't see MoNique!
I recognized at that moment I had unwrapped a layer,
All those years I lost caretaking everyone,
I forgot my most valuable player!
SelfLove is Love